Various projects

Some other projects I made


I made the boids algorithm In both Unreal engine and Unity to put my skills to the test. It was a fun exercise to learn about how to make algorithms work more efficiently and learn how to write faster code. Also it was really fun to do because of the nice visuals it produces. In Unreal engine I also used it as a way to get to know the engine a little better.



Unreal Engine


Discord Bot

Using JavaScript I’ve made a discord bot. Together with a friend we run a Discord server for school and for fun I decided to create my own bot for it. It was a fun experience because it is a really different way of coding. Instead of a program that keeps running and updating you have to wait for input and respond to it.

A-star path finding

For a school assignment I made the A-Star path finding algorithm. This was a fun experience because I learned a lot about code optimization and algorithms. It was hard to set up but when I finally got it working I had the feeling I learned a lot about how game AI functions.


*Maze generation provided by school

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